Non-NHS Services
Private Medical Examinations
Dr R Mitchell is an MCA certified doctor able to perform the ENG1 Seafarer’s Medical examination and issue a certificate confirming that you are in a fit condition to work on board.
Dr R Mitchell is also an UKOOA (UK Offshore Operators Association)registered doctor to perform UK Oil & Gas Medicals and issue a certificate to allow an employee to work worldwide.
Medical examinations for special purposes such as:-
PSV, Taxi, HGV and Elderly Driving Medicals
Medical Insurance
Certificates:– eg
Fitness to Travel,
Private Insurance,
Holiday Cancellation,
Fitness for Sports,
Passport forms
They all require longer time than a routine appointment – and they do not form part of NHS Services; you will be charged for any such examination. Please check the fee chargeable when you arrange any such examination.