Patients over 18 registered with an East Riding GP can refer themselves for physiotherapy without seeing their GP by ringing the Physio Direct telephone advice service on 01377 208300.
Or you can refer yourself online via YOUR PHYSIO
Monday to Friday
(excludes Bank Holidays)
The Physiotherapist will be able to advise you about your problem or offer a face-to -face assessment at a clinic of your choice, if necessary
Stop Smoking – Help and Advice
Ready to stop smoking? For free one-to-one or group advice:
Quit online today to get FREE support to help you stick to your decision to stop smoking
Stop Smoking Service: 0800 3247111 or text QUIT to 61825*
*Normal network rates apply
Maternity Services
A positive pregnancy test? Contact the Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals Midwifery Clerical Team for early advice and to talk through your options.
Text: 07825 280822
Call: (01482) 605304 (Mon-Fri, 9am-4.30pm)
Online Therapy
Anxious? Stressed? Depressed? Online talking therapy can help. IESO is a free service in the East Riding of Yorkshire, and is eligible for those registered with an East Riding GP and aged 16 or over. Discreet one-to-one therapy is delivered in real time using written (typed) conversation, with patients meeting an accredited therapist in a secure virtual therapy room, at a time and location that is both convenient and comfortable for them.
You can self-refer or talk to your GP:
Call: (01954) 230066